



Friday, May 22, 2009


1. Do you prefer to study in a college or in university?
College / University

2. Do you prefer private or public university?
Public / private

3. What are your principal needs in a university?
a. The environment and installations
b. The technology in the school
c. The academic level
d. Other

4. Is it better a university with low or high population?
High / low

5. Do you practice sports?
Yes / No

6. Which career are you interested in?
a. Communications
b. International business
c. Medicine
d. Math
e. Politics
f. Other

7. Are you planning to enter university paying the whole cost or tying to get a scholarship?
a. Athletic scholarship
b. Academic scholarship
c. Paying the cost

8. From 1 to 5, 1 lowest and 5 highest, tell how important is university?
1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

9. Which is your favorite sport?
a. Soccer
b. Baseball
c. Football
d. Tennis
e. Softball
f. Basketball
g. Other

10. Would you enter St. Edwards University?
Yes / No
1. College 0 / University 5
2. Private 4 / public 1
3. A. 0 b. 0 c. 5 d. 0
4. High 3 / low 0
5. Yes 4 / No 1
6. A. 0 / b. 2 / c. 0 / d. 0 / e. 0 / f. 3
7. A. 1 / b. 5 / c. 0
8. 1) 0 2) 0 3) 0 4) 0 5) 5
9. A. 0 / b. 2 / c. 0 / d. 3 / e. 0 / f. 0 / g. 0
10. Yes 5 / No 0

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