



Friday, May 22, 2009

General Information

College vs. University
A college normally is smaller than a university, or sometimes is part of a bigger university and the college is just a specialized building for different faculties. For example; a college specialized in medicine or in arts. Just because the college is smaller, it isn’t academically worse than a university.
In the other hand a university is an institute bigger and with more faculties for students to choose. Some universities have inside of them colleges for studying certain faculties.
There exist advantages and disadvantages of studying in a college and in a university.
· Education is practically the same; it just depends on the College or University you go to.
· Student can sleep in universities because they have the space and dormitories for students. In colleges you have to look for your own place to sleep outside from it.
· Universities are way bigger than colleges; this could be an advantage or a disadvantage. Somehow is better if there are more persons in the University because you learn about different cultures, and every year that passes you will have the opportunity to meet new people and see different points of views of things. I think in a college, with fewer people, the advantage will be you could concentrate more and be more focus in your goals. Also I think there is more competition in a college than in a university, although there is less people, because of this the people that are in the college have good grades and higher possibilities of getting a better job.
· Universities offer more scholarships than colleges, because they have more population.
· Universities also offer much more extra activities. (Sports, arts, etc.)
In my concern university is way better than college because you have a better social environment. You can meet different persons from different parts of the world for knowing and learning about distinct cultures. There is a higher chance for entering university than for college.

Public vs. private
· The principal difference between public and private universities or colleges is that public universities receive money from the state that helps them underwrite the cost of education. Private universities are dependent on tuition dollars to cover the cost.
· There are some other differences such as the cost; private colleges are more expensive than public colleges.
· Normally public colleges or universities are bigger than private colleges or universities.
· It is normally think that private universities have a better academic level than public universities, but the reality is that both are pretty good and it really depends on the university that you choose.
· The job opportunities you will obtain when you graduate is the same from both, it really depends on your skills. Only it will change if you entered a very good and recognized private university such as Yale or Harvard.

Location: Austin, Texas.

History: This University was founded by the Rev. Edward Sorin. First it was a smaller institute, but in 1885, the president, Rev. P.J. Franciscus, strengthened the prestige of the Academy by securing a charter, changing its name to St. Edward's College, assembling a faculty, and increasing enrollment, and then it was officially founded.
Population: In Austin live 1.5 million people, the university has an average of 3,500 students each year. 60% are women, 40 men, 2 international students, Hispanic 32%, African American 3% and Asian-pacific islander 3 %.

· Hospital and emergency boxes.
· Soccer, softball and baseball fields.
· Gym.
· Parking lots.
· Dormitories.
· Main building and different halls.
· Labs.
· Physical plants.

Specialty: This University specializes in the area of human resources and carriers related to natural sciences and arts.


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