



Friday, May 22, 2009

General Information

College vs. University
A college normally is smaller than a university, or sometimes is part of a bigger university and the college is just a specialized building for different faculties. For example; a college specialized in medicine or in arts. Just because the college is smaller, it isn’t academically worse than a university.
In the other hand a university is an institute bigger and with more faculties for students to choose. Some universities have inside of them colleges for studying certain faculties.
There exist advantages and disadvantages of studying in a college and in a university.
· Education is practically the same; it just depends on the College or University you go to.
· Student can sleep in universities because they have the space and dormitories for students. In colleges you have to look for your own place to sleep outside from it.
· Universities are way bigger than colleges; this could be an advantage or a disadvantage. Somehow is better if there are more persons in the University because you learn about different cultures, and every year that passes you will have the opportunity to meet new people and see different points of views of things. I think in a college, with fewer people, the advantage will be you could concentrate more and be more focus in your goals. Also I think there is more competition in a college than in a university, although there is less people, because of this the people that are in the college have good grades and higher possibilities of getting a better job.
· Universities offer more scholarships than colleges, because they have more population.
· Universities also offer much more extra activities. (Sports, arts, etc.)
In my concern university is way better than college because you have a better social environment. You can meet different persons from different parts of the world for knowing and learning about distinct cultures. There is a higher chance for entering university than for college.

Public vs. private
· The principal difference between public and private universities or colleges is that public universities receive money from the state that helps them underwrite the cost of education. Private universities are dependent on tuition dollars to cover the cost.
· There are some other differences such as the cost; private colleges are more expensive than public colleges.
· Normally public colleges or universities are bigger than private colleges or universities.
· It is normally think that private universities have a better academic level than public universities, but the reality is that both are pretty good and it really depends on the university that you choose.
· The job opportunities you will obtain when you graduate is the same from both, it really depends on your skills. Only it will change if you entered a very good and recognized private university such as Yale or Harvard.

Location: Austin, Texas.

History: This University was founded by the Rev. Edward Sorin. First it was a smaller institute, but in 1885, the president, Rev. P.J. Franciscus, strengthened the prestige of the Academy by securing a charter, changing its name to St. Edward's College, assembling a faculty, and increasing enrollment, and then it was officially founded.
Population: In Austin live 1.5 million people, the university has an average of 3,500 students each year. 60% are women, 40 men, 2 international students, Hispanic 32%, African American 3% and Asian-pacific islander 3 %.

· Hospital and emergency boxes.
· Soccer, softball and baseball fields.
· Gym.
· Parking lots.
· Dormitories.
· Main building and different halls.
· Labs.
· Physical plants.

Specialty: This University specializes in the area of human resources and carriers related to natural sciences and arts.


International Students

Application process: There are two ways for applying to get in the university. You can apply online and make a priority application on Feb. 1, or you can do this application directly in the university. Then you have to take the second appliance for freshman admission and also make the first deposit. After this, on July 1 is the final application for transfer admission and if you want to apply for p admission the final appliance is on Nov. 1. The results are shown by the university 2 months later of the final application.

Then the international student will have to an exam depending on his native language. If your first language is not English, you should take the TOEFL or the IELTS. For the TOEFL, you must achieve a score of 500 on the written test, a 173 on the computerized test or a 61 on the Internet-based test. For the IELTS, a score of 5.0 is required. A score of 3 on the English Language, a score of 5 on the English Higher Level IB Exam, a score of 500 or higher on the Critical Reading section of the SAT, or a score of 21 or higher on both the English and Reading sections of the ACT, will also satisfy the testing requirement for non-native English speakers.
If your first language is English, you must take the SAT or ACT standardized test with the associated writing test. It is recommended that tests be taken at least two months before the posted deadline. The St. Edward’s code for the TOEFL and SAT is 6619. The ACT code is 4156.

Admission process: The results of the exam and the decision whether the student is accepted or not, take 2 months. For the university is very important to know each possible student in a personal way. The university asks the students to write an essay about themselves for the university to get to know the candidate students, or if it’s possible and interview directly in the university. The international students need a special visa for staying in the U.S. minimum 4 years. The university ends a letter and supports the family and the students 100% for make possible that they have their visa. There are different activities the student can get into. There is an international student organization that is in charge of improving the university environment depending on the international students needs.

Room and board: The housing consists in seven residence hall ways with dorms fully complete. They have air-conditioned, phone, TV cable and high speed internet access. The room is very comfortable and has a spaced bedroom.

Costs: There are different plans for the international student to pay the career. The first is an option of a scholarship. There are two scholarships, one for doing an extra sport activity, such as soccer, baseball, football or tennis. And the academic scholarship the student needs to maintain an average over 8.5 in the whole career. Another plan for paying the career is giving 36,200 dollars the first year and the rest of the years 2,900 dollars. The 36,200 dollars are divided in this way:
· tuition and fees: 24,500 dollars
· housing and food: 7,800 dollars
· health insurance 1,000 dollars
· books and supplies: 1,100 dollars
· personal expenses 1,800 dollars
· total: 36,200 dollars


Carlos Acuña, ’09. Tegucigalpa, Honduras International Business application
“Everyone I have met in St. Edward’s has been very friendly and respectful. Students are always interested in knowing about my culture when they here I’m from Honduras. They are open to hear about myself and y culture, and also they want to be friends with me, this make me feel at home and very welcome in the United States.”

Joseph Hilton, ’10 Austin, Texas Medical application
“I was born here in Texas. I enter this university because it is very familiar and the professors know who you are and understand you needs. This university has all type of students and I love this, because I can meet new people and learn about distinct cultures. My best friends are Mexican and Brazilian. Another thing I love is sports, I have a soccer scholarship and our team always wins the national Riverside cup, we are very good. Finally I recommend this university to Latin student; they will feel very comfortable and just like in home.”

Justin Hackratin, ’07 Sidney, Australia International Business and Business application
“St. Edward’s is a good school for communication with professors. You have so many opportunities to improve because of helpful resources such as the math lab or writing center. Austin is by far the best college town I’ve ever visited. I have traveled a lot of colleges to lay tennis and I am very glad I picked this one.”


1. Do you prefer to study in a college or in university?
College / University

2. Do you prefer private or public university?
Public / private

3. What are your principal needs in a university?
a. The environment and installations
b. The technology in the school
c. The academic level
d. Other

4. Is it better a university with low or high population?
High / low

5. Do you practice sports?
Yes / No

6. Which career are you interested in?
a. Communications
b. International business
c. Medicine
d. Math
e. Politics
f. Other

7. Are you planning to enter university paying the whole cost or tying to get a scholarship?
a. Athletic scholarship
b. Academic scholarship
c. Paying the cost

8. From 1 to 5, 1 lowest and 5 highest, tell how important is university?
1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

9. Which is your favorite sport?
a. Soccer
b. Baseball
c. Football
d. Tennis
e. Softball
f. Basketball
g. Other

10. Would you enter St. Edwards University?
Yes / No
1. College 0 / University 5
2. Private 4 / public 1
3. A. 0 b. 0 c. 5 d. 0
4. High 3 / low 0
5. Yes 4 / No 1
6. A. 0 / b. 2 / c. 0 / d. 0 / e. 0 / f. 3
7. A. 1 / b. 5 / c. 0
8. 1) 0 2) 0 3) 0 4) 0 5) 5
9. A. 0 / b. 2 / c. 0 / d. 3 / e. 0 / f. 0 / g. 0
10. Yes 5 / No 0

Don’t you think planning your studies is a good way to improve?

Planning your goals in your career will make you a better student thanks to the unique free service that St. Edward’s offers. The Academic Planning and Support Services staff will help new and transfer students realize their full potential through personal development counseling, academic and career exploration, tutoring, and goal setting. Every international student that has taken this service has had an effective adaptation and experience. First you have to put some goals and with help of the planning staff you will have an itinerary of activities that have to be followed. After this you will see an improvement and advance academically and social. Having an itinerary gives you a great opportunity of taking advantage of all the free time you have and doing this, time isn’t wasted. Besides improving, this program will help you to discover who you are, to seek your life's purpose, to determine what you truly believe, and to interact with others whose perspective may differ from you, but the most important it will tell you in which activities or areas you re good at. After this, you will more focused and have an extended idea of what you would like to do when you graduate. Taking this knowledgeable will transform you as a person and will make you a good worker with experience that’ll you multitude of benefits that will come your way. Finally concluding this plan is unique and no other university in the state of Texas has it. This is why you have to attend this great university.